The Links at Pretty Prairie
A Mulligan for The Links​
Since its inception 25 years ago, The Links at Pretty Prairie has attracted golfers from all corners of the state and beyond, while also serving as the home course for the local high school golf teams. For the past four years The Links at Pretty Prairie has operated under a watchful and caring group of local citizens. The Links is now in excellent condition. In four years, The Links at Pretty Prairie LLC has transformed the facility abandoned by City officials into a beautiful course that the community can be proud of and golfers love to play.
The spirit of Pretty Prairie and its resolve has defied the odds time and time again…rising above any challenge placed in its path and accomplishing what others consider impossible. If that spirit still stirs the desire to see your hometown flourish please make a donation to fund “A Mulligan for The Links“.
The Pretty Prairie Fund and its board of directors, will oversee monetary transfers into that LLC from the donations given specifically to fund the upgrades to the golf course and salary of a grounds keeper.
How do I make a Donation to “A Mulligan for the Links“?
1. Write your check to Rice County Community Foundation
(We are using the established 50lc3 status of RCCF, experienced, and knowledgeable in charitable tax deductible donations.)
2. Designate Pretty Prairie Fund in the memo on your check.
3. Specify the type of payment on your check…Lump-Sum, Semi-Annual, Quarterly, or Monthly payment.
Mail ALL donations and/or pledges to:
The Links at Pretty Prairie
1 Power Drive
Pretty Prairie KS 67570
(Be Sure to Include your Return Mailing Address for receipt purposes)
Tee Box and Scorecard Sponsorships Available
Click here for additional information.